Hyperpersonalization with AI

All the key takeaways from our past RedTalk - enrich customer profiles and improve market share with AI-driven insights.

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At Redkiwi, we host a quarterly informative RedTalk with a subsequent networking reception. Jasper kicked off the first edition of 2024, on April 4, on hyperpersonalization with AI. This session built on previous sessions on using AI for business strategies, focusing on customer profiles and market share.

Missed it? Here we share key insights. Before we dive into the matter of hyperpersonalization, we first reflect on personalization and the current state of AI.

Different stages of personalization

Personalization provides customized content to customers based on data (previous searches, purchases and interests). There are different stages of personalization. Ranging from “one to all,” where little to no personalization occurs, to “one to one,” where communication occurs in a conversational manner.

A successful personalization implementation

Personalization requires more than just a product feed. Success depends on individual needs. Start with orientation support and a warm website welcome. Discover customer preferences for a customized offer. After purchase, follow up with a follow-up following the purchase. This is how you ensure a fully personalized customer journey.

State of AI

In the past, we talked about machine learning, a technology with the ability to perform tasks without explicit instructions by learning from patterns. Artificial intelligence (AI) takes machine learning a step further by simulating processes that mimic human intelligence. Whereas AI was initially used to process input and perform analysis, generative AI is now opening up new possibilities - and even entire new worlds. Photos generated by AI are sometimes indistinguishable from real photos. In fact, there are already examples of AI-generated ads that outperform their traditional counterparts. The advantage in the context of personalization is a faster and personalized approach. Without static stock photos. With endless creative possibilities.

Hyperpersonalization: key take-aways.

Hyperpersonalization, where personalization and AI come together. How do you start with this? Focus on personalization first. Start small. When this is well established, you can move to hyperpersonalization.

1. Collect and analyze customer data.

Get insight into your customers - who are you dealing with?

2. Test tach stack

Set up a test environment and experiment. What works and what doesn't.

3. Personalize the customer journey.

Offer each customer a unique experience.

4. Measure and optimize.

Provide continuous measurement and optimization of the personalization process.

5. Move to hyperpersonalization

Leverage real-time data sources. Offer personalized experiences, such as personalized home pages and product recommendations per customer. Differentiate yourself from the competition.

Did you get all excited after reading about this RedTalk? Then check out the RedTalk annual review. We're going to cover 3 more topics this year!

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