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Entering the mind with brand positioning

Utilizing neuromarketing and storytelling

Establishing that emotional connection

Customers, suppliers, or consumers, they're all people. And perhaps sobering to read, but people are not rational beings. If you want to get people to do something and influence their behavior, you need to know how to communicate with them to influence their knowledge and attitudes. Communicating rationally with them is usually not the smartest approach.

Purchase decisions are always based on knowledge and attitudes towards a category, brand, product, or service. That's why it's important to invest in this area. After all, unfamiliarity breeds indifference. But when you invest in building awareness, it's most effective and efficient to also create a positive attitude, preference, and affinity! Because being known doesn't automatically mean being loved! And that's where storytelling comes in. It creates that emotional connection.

But how do you exactly arrive at a compelling brand story? What questions should you ask yourself and your employees to capture the essence of the brand? What do you do? What are you good at? What makes the brand unique? And perhaps even more importantly, why do you do it? When answering the question "Why do you do it?" you tap into your target audience's desires. Additionally, your product or service should provide a solution to fulfill one or more of your target audience's needs. Needs they're likely unaware of. People then sell products or services to themselves by convincing themselves through a story. We deceive ourselves and justify a new purchase by explaining how the purchase will fulfill our needs, even though we're unconsciously giving in to our desires. We rationalize the purchase to ourselves in that way.

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Credible and connecting

As an entrepreneur, you can differentiate yourself with a unique brand story or brand narrative that connects with your target audience. A story that tells the entrepreneurial story, highlighting who you are, what drives you, what you believe in, how you do it, and what you do. This, combined with the desires, emotions, and product needs of the target audience. Every successful (brand) story is powerful, authentic, and above all, credible. Make sure you tap into the desires and needs of your target audience and that they can identify with your brand. Let the brand story resonate with the target audience as if a person like them is the storyteller. Are you also looking for your brand story? We're here to help!

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Practical and accessible

If you want to connect with your target audience as an entrepreneur, you need to ensure that you're credible and authentic, while also trying to tap into their deeper desires. It's the combination of these two factors that increases the chances of success! The Redkiwi model is simple and consists of two circles. The left circle ensures credibility and authenticity, while the right circle focuses on influencing the knowledge and attitudes of the target audience. The combination of both ultimately leads to behavioral change. The model is practical and accessible, suitable for both B2B and B2C. The key is to connect with the target audience's minds.

Reinoud Wolff

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