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Enhance your copywriting with NLP techniques

Communicate language strategically

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Copywriting is effective when it strategically conveys language that prompts people to take action. This is achieved by capturing attention, appealing to the reader's emotions, and, above all, tapping into their needs and deeper desires. By incorporating NLP techniques into copywriting, you can enhance the impact of your brand, service, or product.

What is NLP?

Neuro-Linguistic Programming, or NLP, is a blend of various linguistic disciplines that describes the fundamental dynamics between the brain (Neuro) and language (Linguistic) and how their interaction influences our body and behavior (Programming). NLP originated in the 1970s with the goal of stimulating actions and purchases. Language techniques and verbal patterns are employed to persuade the recipient of your message.

In this blog post, we'll provide you with some handy practical tips to give your copywriting a significant boost, from framing messages to utilizing rhythm and alliteration in your copy.

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Tip 1

Positive framing

The way you present a message is believed to impact the choices people make. Framing involves portraying something in a way that implicitly highlights certain aspects. This can be done positively or negatively, using a positive or negative frame. Let's use an example to illustrate this. Imagine you're at the supermarket looking for ground beef. There are many options to choose from, such as the extra lean version or the organic one. If we use a positive frame, we could label one option with a big sticker saying "80% lean". If we use a 'negative' frame, we would put a sticker saying "20% fat" on the packaging. Despite both stickers making the same promise, the term "lean" is perceived as positive, while the term "fat" is seen as negative. Many studies on framing have shown that positive framing has a higher success rate and more often leads to the desired behavior.

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Tip 2


By presenting an offer in a slightly different way than usual or using different wording, you disrupt the recipient's logical thought process. This can make the selling price of a product appear cheaper than it actually is. For example, you can lease a car for €1,800 per year. That's €150 per month. But if you save €5 per day by not buying a cup of coffee, that amounts to €1,800 per year. So, for just €5 per day, you can lease a brand-new car! This reframing technique softens the blow of the €1,800 cost.

Tip 3


In the psychological concept of priming, you utilize triggers in both your visual language and choice of words. The goal of priming is to subconsciously expose the target audience to certain information before their purchasing decision takes place. People unconsciously associate things they see, read, hear, smell, or feel with certain emotions and behaviors. That's why it's crucial to know your target audience well.

Create buyer personas and list the words your audience uses, as well as the words they prefer to avoid. Consider the images that resonate with your target audience or the colors they unconsciously associate with certain emotions, which can stimulate specific behaviors.

Tip 4

Rhythm and alliteration

Using rhythm and alliteration in your copy helps your words stick better in the memory of your target audience. Rhythm and alliteration are perfect for incorporating into taglines, campaign slogans, as well as brand or product names. The better the rhythm of your copy, the more persuasive it appears to the audience. Additionally, a simple rhyme can make copy easier to understand.

Take these brand names as examples: Coca-Cola or PayPal. We also see alliterations in everyday expressions such as "higgledy-piggledy", and everyone knows a "Handy Harry." By repeating sounds, your message is better remembered.

Reinoud Wolff

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